Friday, May 17, 2013

The Trust Chronicles

How better to ring in my new blog than to talk about the coolest author collaboration?

I give you, the Trust Chronicles.

Authors Regina Jennings, Joanne Bischof, Amanda Dykes, Karen Barnett, and Sarah Sundin have come together in their second team project. Last year they brought us the "Hope Chronicles", with journal entries or letters "written" by the heroines from their latest novels.

This year, the theme is "Trust". Let me tell you, these authors have managed to capture the true essence of the word in five entirely different settings.

Oh, and did I forget to mention that they are giving away some amazing prizes? Books, trinkets, and the grand prize of all five handwritten letters in a beautiful wooden box.

Well, what are you waiting for? Time to go blog hopping! Contests close on 5/19 so hurry scurry!

Regina Jennings
Joanne Bischof
Amanda Dykes
Karen Barnett
Sarah Sundin